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Optimus Red – Sound Level Meter
Optimus Red Sound Level Meter adalah perangkat entry-level yang terkenal. Mampu mengukur tingkat kebisingan maksimum selama sesi, perangkat ini menyediakan data yang sederhana dan mudah dipahami.
Optimus Red adalah pengukur tingkat suara canggih yang dirancang oleh para insinyur untuk memenuhi standar terbaru dalam pengukuran dan pemantauan kebisingan.
Paling cocok untuk aplikasi di mana hanya data tingkat kebisingan sederhana yang diperlukan, Optimus Red dapat merekam tingkat suara maksimum (LMax) dalam desibel, yang mengacu pada tingkat kebisingan paling keras yang direkam selama periode pengambilan data. Data ini akan memberi Anda pemahaman dasar tentang tingkat kebisingan di mana Anda mengukur, dan akan memungkinkan Anda untuk mengidentifikasi hotspot kebisingan tertentu.
- Alat yang Anda butuhkan untuk pengukuran kebisingan di tempat kerja
- Layar yang besar membuat data sangat mudah dibaca
- Bentuk yang ringan dan mudah dipegang, dirancang untuk kemudahan penggunaan
- Tersedia sebagai instrumen Kelas 1 atau Kelas 2
- Tidak ada prosedur pengaturan yang rumit – cukup aktifkan, kalibrasi dan mulailah mengukur
- Konektivitas Bluetooth, memungkinkan Anda untuk menggunakan perangkat Anda dengan smartphone yang kompatibel
- Petugas kesehatan dan keselamatan
- Petugas kesehatan lingkungan
- Konsultan kesehatan dan keselamatan
- Pekerja di industri konstruksi
- Pekerja dalam lingkungan industri
- Pekerja di industri hiburan / rekreasi
- Memastikan kepatuhan dengan undang-undang kesehatan dan keselamatan nasional
- Mengukur tingkat kebisingan mesin, alat berat, kendaraan, dan area yang umumnya keras di tempat kerja
- Memantau dan mengukur kebisingan kendaraan sesuai ISO: 5130 dan § 29 StVZO
Applicable Standards
IEC 61672-1:2013 Class 1 or Class 2
IEC 61672-1:2002 Class 1 or Class 2 Group X
IEC 60651:2001 Type 1 I or Type 2 I
IEC 60804:2000 Type 1 or Type 2
IEC 61252:1993 Personal Sound Exposure Meters
ANSI S1.4 -1983 (R2006), ANSI S1.43 – 1997 (R2007)
ANSI S1.25:1991
1:1 Octave Band Filters to IEC 61260 & ANSI S1.11-2004 (C & D variants)
Class 1 MK:224 pre-polarized, Class 2 MK:216 pre-polarized
Microphone Preamplifier
MV:200 Removable Preamplifier (All versions)
Total Measurement Range:
20dB to 140dB RMS Single Range
Noise Floor: <18dB(A) Class 1, <21dB(A) Class 2
Frequency Weightings
RMS & Peak : A, C, & Z Measured Simultaneously
Frequency Bands: 10 Octave Bands (31.5Hz to 16kHz, C & D variants)
Time Weightings
Fast, Slow & Impulse Measured Simultaneously
High resolution display. Ambient light sensor & illuminated keypad
4GB (B, C & D Versions), 32GB factory fit option
Measurement verification data stored in secure memory
Time History Data Rates (Global settings)
10ms, 62.5ms, 125ms, 250ms, 1/2 sec, 1 sec, 2 sec (User selectable)
VoiceTag Audio Recording (B, C & D Versions)
Up to 30 seconds of audio notes with each measurement
BLE compatible with Android and iOS devices.
Cirrus mobile applications available from Google Play and the App Store
Three simultaneous “virtual” noise meters. Integrator 1 is preset to Q3 for Leq functions. Integrators 2 & 3 can be configured with the following:
Exchange Rate: 3, 4 or 5 dB
Threshold: 70dB to 120dB (1 dB steps)
Time Weighting: None or Slow
Criterion Level: 70dB to 120dB (1 dB steps)
Criterion Time: 1 to 12 hours in 1 hour steps
Integrator Quick settings
MSHA HC & MSHA EC, Custom 1 & Custom 2
Measurement control
Pause & Back Erase with user selectable duration
Size: 283mm x 65mm x 30mm
Weight: 300gms/10oz
4 x AA Alkaline
Battery life
Typically 12 hours with Alkaline AA
Typically 20 hours with Lithium AA Non-Rechargeable
Battery life is dependent upon the battery type, quality & screen brightness
USB Type B to PC
AC & DC Output via ZL:174 (2 x Phono, 1m)
Multi-pin IO for external power via ZL:171 cable (2.1mm socket)
External Power: 5v-15v via MultiIO socket via ZL:171 cable (2.1mm socket)
Tripod Mount
1/4″ Whitworth socket
Material: High Impact ABS-PC with soft touch back & keypad
Temperature: Operating -10°C to +50°C, Storage -20°C to +60°C
Humidity: Up to 95% RH Non Condensing
Electromagnetic performance
IEC 61672-1:2002 & IEC 61672-2:2003
Except where modified by EN 61000-6-1:2007 & EN 61000-6-1:2007
Language options
English, French, German, Spanish. Other language options may be available
Software Support
NoiseTools Download, Configuration & Analysis software supplied as standard. Compatible with Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, 7 & 8 (32bit & 64bit)
Measurement Functions
CR:162A & CR:161A
Displayed Functions
LXY, LXYMax, LXYMin, LXeq, LCPeak, LZPeak, LCeq-LAeq, LXE
Graph of Short LAeq, LCPeak
Integrators 2 & 3: TWA, Dose%, Est Dose%v
Measurement Run Time
CR:162B & CR:161B
Displayed Functions
LXY, LXYMax, LXYMin,,LXeq, LCPeak, LZPeak, LCeq-LAeq, LXE, LAIeq
Graph of Short LAeq, LCPeak
Measurement Run Time
Integrators 2 & 3: TWA, Dose%, Est Dose%
Stored Functions
LXYMax & Time History of LXYMax
LAeq, LCeq, LZeq, LCPeak, LZPeak, LAPeak
Time History of LAeq, LCeq, LZeq, LCPeak, LZPeak, LAPeak, LAIeq
Integrators 2 & 3: LAVG , TWA. %Dose
Time History of LAVG
CR:162C & CR:161C
Displayed Functions
LXY, LXYMax, LXYMin, LXeq, LCPeak, LZPeak, LCeq-LAeq, LXE, LAIeq
Graph of Short LAeq, LCPeak
Measurement Run Time
Integrators 2 & 3: TWA, Dose%, Est Dose%
Real-Time Octave Band Filters
Stored Functions
LXYMax & Time History of LXYMax
LAeq, LCeq, LZeq, LCPeak, LZPeak, LAPeak
Time History of LAeq, LCeq, LZeq, LCPeak, LZPeak, LAPeak, LAIeq
Integrators 2 & 3: LAVG , TWA. %Dose
Time History of LAVG
Octave Bands: Overall Leq & Leq Time History for each band
Measurement Run Time
Time & Date of Measurement Start
CR:162D & CR:161D
Displayed Functions
LXY, LXYMax, LXYMin, LXeq, LCPeak, LZPeak, LCeq-LAeq, LXE, LAIeq
Graph of Short LAeq, LCPeak
Measurement Run Time
Integrators 2 & 3: TWA, Dose%, Est Dose%
Real-Time Octave Band Filters
NR & NC values & curves
Stored Functions
LXYMax & Time History of LXYMax
LAeq, LCeq, LZeq, LCPeak, LZPeak, LAPeak
Time History of LAeq, LCeq, LZeq, LCPeak, LZPeak, LAPeak, LAIeq
Integrators 2 & 3: LAVG , TWA. %Dose
Time History of LAVG
Octave Bands: Overall Leq & Leq Time History for each band
NR & NC values & curves
Measurement Run Time
Time & Date of Measurement Start
where x=A ,C ,Z; y= F, S, I
Other functions may calculated by the NoiseTools software and displayed on download.
- User Manual
- Certificate of Calibration
- USB Data/Power Cable
- Windshield
- NoiseTools Software DVD (Requires B, C or D Version to download measurements)
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